Developing with Remix, Ethers.js and Web3.js

Ethereum developers are able to use Remix to compile and debug code for Meter. The current EVM version for Meter is Istanbul. MTR is used instead of ETH in Ethereum.


Use "Injected Web3" in Remix and configure Metamask properly to deploy on Meter.

Meter also supports ethers.js and web3.js through the RPC endpoints.

Using Ethers.js

In order to get started with the ethers.js library we first need to install it using the following command:

npm install ethers

Once this has been completed the simplest way to start using the library and its' methods is as follows:

const ethers = require('ethers');

// Variables definition
const privKey = '0xPRIVKEY';

// Define Provider
let provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('RPC_URL');

// Create Wallet
let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privKey, provider);

Please remember to replace the PRIVKEY and RPC_URL with the correct values.

Using Web3.js

You can get started with the web3.js library by installing it with the following command:

npm install web3

Once this has been completed the simplest way to start using the library and its' methods is as follows:

const Web3 = require('web3');

//Create web3 instance
const web3 = new Web3('RPC_URL');

Please remember to set the RPC_URL to the correct RPC endpoint.

RPC End Points


Warringstakes Testnet:

Private Node: http://node_ip:8545

Last updated

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