Meter Native TX RESTful APIs

RESTful API (Ignore if you prefer Ethereum RPC toolchains) This is the native interface (the tx format is slightly different from Ethereum tx and supports enhanced features like parallel transactions

RESTful API (Ignore if you use Ethereum RPC toolchains)

This is the native interface (the tx format is slightly different from Ethereum tx and supports enhanced features like parallel sending and etc.) for Meter and is directly supported by Meter node on port 8669. There is an additional mainnet endpoint at

You are able to access all of our functionality and create Meter native transactions through this interface. We have implemented an Ethereum web3 compatible interface library called meterify.

In order to install Meterify run the following commands:

npm install meterify

Using the code below you can create a web3 instance. You are then able to use the Ethereum web3 interfaces to interact with the Meter mainnet.

const meterify = require(“meterify”).meterify;
const Web3 = require(“web3");
const web3 = meterify(new Web3(), “”);

API Documentation

The API documentation focuses on the use of the meterify library to develop DApps for the Meter blockchain through the native RESTful API interface. The RESTful API uses the native Meter TX format instead of the Ethereum TX format and is not compatible with existing Ethers.js, Web3.js, or web3j libraries. Therefore meterifywas created to bridge the gap. Similarly, there is a Meter-SDK4j library that is similar to web3j library for integrating with Java clients.

meterify is a node.js package. It provides interfaces almost the same as the well-known web3.jslibrary and much of its relevant open-source documentation have been merged with information more specific to Meter. Using meterify generates native Meter transactions and is more direct than using web3.js through the RESTful interface.

The meterify.js library uses the http restful API. You could either use your own node or interact with a full node on the Meter mainnet/testnet.

Restful API endpoints:

Local: http://node_ip:8669



To get started with the meterify.js library, we first need to install it using the following command:

npm install meterify

Once done, the simplest setup to start using the library and its methods is the following:

const meterify = require("meterify").meterify;
const Web3 = require("web3");
const web3 = meterify(new Web3(), "RPC_URL");

Guides and Tutorials

Several guides and tutorials have been written to explain how to work with the Meter blockchain through meterify. They cover development topics, such as how to build DApps and work with smart contracts.

Other Resources

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